Planning a visit?
Find out more information about your visit or read about our facilities.
Plan your Visit
If you are visiting the coffee shop and sensory rooms, you will enter the site from Longedge Lane through our main entrance. You will then drive along a curved road that cuts across the site to the car park. Currently, sections of our car park have been tarmacked and have easy access to the accessible path to the main building.
Find out more information about your visit or read about our facilities.
Plan your VisitEventually, we will have fully accessible paths throughout the site. For now, we have a tarmacked, level path from the car park to the cafe.
The coffee shop is located in the main building at Haystax. Park in the main car park and follow the accessible path through the hedge line towards the building. There is a level entrance and a wide door as you enter.
Please find a seat and a member of staff will bring you a menu and then take your order. Please ask if you would like a picture or large print menu. We stock a range of sweet and savoury food as well as barista coffee, and a range of teas and cold drinks.
As an inclusive venue it is important to us that we create a judgement free environment where you can come and relax while being able to meet the needs of your family. As part of this, we want to encourage you to openly feed your loved ones in whatever way works for them. After all, fed is best.
If we can assist you in any way, please just ask. Whether you need a bottle warming or a meal blended, we are happy to help.
All we ask is that our customers are respectful and refrain from passing judgement on what works for others. Together we can create an amazing space where everyone can feel understood, valued and at home.
Haystax is proud to offer a Changing Places Facility to allow our visitors to use the facilities in comfort and with dignity. ... Full story
We had a truly amazing day today! Thanks to everyone who popped in f... Full story
We are officially open! Woohoo!... Full story